Biden argues that China still possesses 'valuable data' on COVID origins.


United States intelligence has excluded the development of coronavirus as a bio-weapon, and most agencies estimate it is not genetically modified with "moderate confidence."

President Joe Biden stated Friday, after the United States intelligence agency declared it did not think that the virus was a bio-weapon— but remained split on whether they escaped from the laboratory.

But, according to an unclassified summary of a highly expected intelligence assessment, the United States does not think that the Chinese authorities were aware of the virus until the first breakout of a pandemic which has since claimed 4.5 million lives.

"The People's Republic of China has critical information on the origins of this pandemic but from the first, China's leaders sought to stop foreign investigators and members of the global public health community from accessing that epidemic," Mr. Biden stated in a statement.

"Today, whilst the epidemic continues to extend, the PRC continues to ignore calls on openness and retention of data."

United States intelligence has excluded the development of a coronavirus as a weapon, and most agencies judge that it was not genetically modified with 'low confidence.'

However, the community remains divided by the origin of the virus, four agencies and the National Intelligence Council identifying an animal as the likely reason for its natural exposure and one agency which supports the laboratory leak idea.

Three agencies' analysts have been unable to reach an end.

"Changes in analytical viewpoints primarily arise from changes in how intelligence and scientific reports, intelligence and scientific gaps influence on agencies," says the summary.

Clinical samples or epidemiological data from the earlier Covid-19 instances are missing for the intelligence community and worldwide scientists.

Mr. Biden said the United States will continue to engage with partners to urge Beijing on the world health organization for greater information and cooperation.

"The worldwide catastrophe has got to be fully and transparently recorded. There is no less acceptable, "he told me.

In view of the historical character of the epidemic and the necessity of educating the public, the office of the Director of National Intelligence indicated that it was considering the declassifying sections of the report in the very near future while safeguarding its sources and approaches.

Laboratory leak decaying

After a very politicized visit by a World Health Organization team in January, Beijing rebuffed requests from the United States and other nations for a new protocol and also faced critical criticism of a lack of openness.

At the beginning of the pandemic, it was generally accepted the idea that the virus developed in bats and subsequently transferred to human beings, maybe through an intermediate species.

Then, as the time passed, and scientists were unable to discover a virus in either the bats or other animals that fit the SARS-CoV-2 genetic signature, researchers were more likely to investigate a leak involving Bat Coronavirus Research from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However, recent scientific articles have tilted the discussion back to a zoonotic origin.

Researchers from China and the University of Glasgow released an article in the journal Science, which said that "the most likely source of the COVID-19 pandemic was animal-to-human transmission of live animals afflicted."

In addition, the 21 leading virologists in the Cell newspaper stated briefly: "There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 has a laboratory origin at this time."



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