Robot legal advisors serve 55 nations, including the United States and Britain, in 80 dialects.


The use of artificial intelligence for speed in legal battles.Work came in cases ranging from parking fines to murder.

Would you like a robot to be your lawyer? This sounds good, but about 300 law firms in 55 countries, including the United States and Britain, are using such robot lawyers. The firm uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to prepare the case, which is a form of robot. AI-connected software serves 80 languages.


Joshua Browder, 24, of California, USA, helps users of his Air Do Not Pay legal documents. If there is any difficulty in this work, users can also report it in the chat box. As such, how to appeal against the penalty in case of improper parking? People can type arguments using their own words. The machine learning model software then legitimizes the arguments. Browder currently has offices in California and Silicon Valley. But he started the firm in 2015 in London.


“I was in London as a teenager,” says Browder. I was not a good driver. Many times I was fined for illegal parking. At the time, I did not have enough money to consult a lawyer. After these events I created the 'Do Not Pay' app. Today, the app has 1.50 lakh paid users. Most of them are in America, Britain. These people use it extensively for insurance claims, visa applications, complaints to local bodies, etc.

Robots work faster and at a lower cost than humans.


Hobbs, a lawyer for a law firm in London, recently used AI in a murder case. They needed to analyze more than 10,000 documents in the case, which became possible with AI. The robot works four weeks earlier than the human. In this process, Rs. 51 lakh has also been saved.

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